CS 235 - Data Structures

CS 235 Data Structures

Syllabus, Spring 2023


Instructor: Paul Roper
Office: 3370 TMCB, 422-8149
Hours: Email for appointment

Email: proper@cs.byu.edu

Section 001

2:00-3:50 am MWF






Learning Outcomes


CS 235 provides a hands-on introduction to data structures and algorithms. Through programming projects and exams, you learn how to select and implement suitable data structures for various problems, how and when to use recursion, and how to analyze the cost of algorithms, especially sorting and searching algorithms.


·        Data Computing Fundamentals - Implement the fundamental data types of computing (lists, stacks, queues, heaps, priority queues, sets, maps, and binary search trees).

·        Select Data Structures - Properly use and select data structures from language-provided data-structure libraries.

·        Analysis - Apply basic algorithm analysis.

·        Recursion - Understand how recursion works and write programs using recursion to solve problems.

·        Choice of Algorithms - Make informed decisions about which sorting and searching algorithms to use in specific circumstances.

·        Program Writing - Write larger, multi-file programs using an IDE (+500 lines).





Course Materials


·        All course content including course syllabus, schedule, PowerPoint slides, lab descriptions/submission, code reviews, quizzes, video links, and help queue are available on the course website (https://students.cs.byu.edu/~cs235ta).

·        Email, on-line exams, and course grades/scores (BYU Grades tab.) will be managed by Learning Suite.

·        We will use Elliot B. Koffnam and Paul A. T. Wolfgang’s Objects, Abstraction, Data Structures and Design Using C++ for our course of study and follow the order of the book chapters.

·        Microsoft’s Visual Studio Community C++ IDE will be used for class demos.

Note: C++ is a standard, not a program.  Within the functionality and syntax defined by C++17 standards committees, your source code should compile and execute independent of your compiler or IDE (gcc, g++, MSVC, LLVM, etc.)  All CS department machines have Visual Studio installed.  You can find Visual Studio’s C++ language references here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3bstk3k5.aspx.   (A free install is available for all Windows machines at http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs#DownloadFamilies_2.)

·        Linux g++ for will be used to unzip, compile, and execute your lab submissions.

·        Finally, make www.stackoverflow.com, http://www.cplusplus.com/reference and www.google.com your closest friends.  If you have any questions about C++, consult them first before seeking TA help.


Course Format

·        Spring 2023, Section 001 will be CLASSROOM (in-person, on-campus) instruction and not recorded.  Class time will be used to answer questions concerning the assigned reading, video presentations, and/or lab specifications.  Coding example programs and topic reviews will be part of the class instruction.

·        Before each class meeting:

o   Complete the assigned reading.

o   In addition, work on lab programming assignments will help in making class discussions beneficial.

o   If needed, view the PowerPoint lecture video (available on the class schedule).

·        There will be times when information given in lectures is not found in the textbook, video, or class website.  It is very important that students attend each class.  You will be held responsible for class session material as well as the course text readings.

·        To encourage class attendance and to help prepare for exams, an on-line quiz will be available after each class.  Codes for the attendance quizzes will be announced during class and expire at the end of the following day.

·        Exams will be administered using Learning Suite.

·        Programming assignments will be web submitted and peer reviewed.  Auto-graded results of web submissions will be immediately returned via email and later recorded in BYU Grades (Learning Suite).


Course Assessments


Student evaluation and grading will be three-fold, namely performance-based, formal, and summative assessments.


1.      Programming Assignments. (Performance-based assessment) 40%

·     Hands-on application of section concepts.

·     Improve programming skills.

·     Solve practical problems.

·     Develop critical/analytical thinking.


2.      Peer Evaluations / Quizzes. (Formal assessment) 20% + 5% quiz bonus

·     Target areas needing work.

·     Help preparation for exams.

·     Provide immediate feedback.

·     Gage progress with other peers.

·     Motivate study.

·     Identify strengths/weaknesses.


3.      Exams. (Summative assessment) 40%

·     Compare student knowledge against standard.

·     Guide efforts and activities in subsequent courses.

·     Fulfill accreditation requirements.


Computer Programming Assignments


Programming assignments consist of 9 required labs plus two bonus labs and are designed to emphasize topics and objectives discussed during class.


·        Lab 1: Grades.  Output the average score for all students on each exam followed by a list of student's score and grades.

·        Lab 2: SNAP.  Design classes for a school database and output course and student schedules.

·        Lab 3: Linked List.  Develop a Linked List container that implements standard list operations.

·        Lab 4: Iterator (linked list).  Implement a nested iterator class for Lab 3’s linked list container.

·        Lab 6: Railroad (stacks, queues, deques).  Manage the Greater Provo Railroad Station storage facility as directed.

·        Lab 7: Maze (recursion).   Two SCUBA divers need to find a path through the storage facility maze.

·        Lab 8: BST (trees).  Add and remove nodes from a binary search tree.

·        Lab 9: Pokémon (maps and sets).  Add and remove nodes from map and set data structures.

·        Lab 10: Quicksort (sorting).  Implement a quicksort algorithm and sort a data set.

·        Bonus Lab 5: Expressions (infix, postfix, prefix, balance).  Performs operations on infix, postfix, and prefix expressions.

·        Bonus Lab 11: AVL (balanced tree).  Use AVL algorithm to self-balance a binary search tree.


Please pay careful attention to the following programming assignments guidelines:


1.      Zip together all your lab source files (.cpp, .hpp, .h) – do not include any IDE folders or files.

2.      Submit your zipped lab source folder using the “Labs” tab on the class website.

3.      The auto-grader will immediately:

a.       Unzip and compile your submitted source using the Linux g++ compiler.

b.      If there are no compilation errors, the resulting executable will be run using command line arguments to select both input and output files.

c.       The resulting output file(s) from your program will be graded and the results reported immediately on the submission web page.

d.      Points will be deducted for any detected memory leaks, warnings, and/or out-of-bounds array references.

4.      You may re-submit your zipped source as many times as you like throughout the semester.  (Late penalties may apply.)  Your highest score will be used for your final lab grade.

5.      Anonymous peer review assignments will be made immediately after the lab submission deadline and must be completed before the next lab due date.

6.      Only on-time zipped solutions of more than 10 points will participate in the peer review process.

7.      Lab and peer review scores will be recorded weekly in BYU grades (found on Learning Suite).

8.      Lab assignments submitted after the due date will receive a 50% penalty on portions of the lab not submitted on time.

9.      It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all relevant files are included in the zipped submission - submissions that don’t compile or are from the wrong lab will result in a lower grade.

10.   Lab grades are calculated from auto-grader scores, peer reviews, and assigned reviews.  Lab scoring is calculated as follows:

a.       40-50 points – Lab requirements assessed by auto-grader.

b.      10-20 points – Coding style and additional requirements assessed by peer reviewers.

c.       2 points – Completion of two assigned peer reviews.




·        If you want your work to remain anonymous during peer reviews (FERPA), use a unique coding pseudo-name (e.g. Cody Coder III, Franky Forloop, Doesy Dowhile) on source headers comments.  Using identifying comments serves as your permission for your peers to know your work’s identity.

·        Peer review scores that significantly differ will automatically be arbitrated by a TA.  Submitting inaccurate peer reviews will result in loss of your review points.




A pre-exam is required of all students and is administered at the beginning of the semester thru Learning Suite.  Full credit will be given for those taking the exam. Your score on the exam will not affect your final grade. There is no makeup for the pre-exam.


Two midterms will be administered during the semester on Learning Suite as scheduled.  You should plan at least 1-2 hours for each exam.  Any exam taken after the scheduled exam days will be worth (maximum) half credit unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor.


The final exam is comprehensive and will also be administered using Learning Suite, during finals week (not during LS assigned time in class.)  There is no makeup for the final exam.


Quizzes (5% Extra credit)


Attendance quizzes are available on the class website after each class instruction.  The quiz code will be given out during the class and expire at the end of the next day.  Quizzes assess material covered in class and the book and help prepare students for the exams.  There is no makeup for missed quizzes. Sharing of quiz codes is considered cheating.




Your grade will be based on programming assignments (60% + 10% extra credit), exams (40%), and attendance quizzes (5% extra credit) as follows:


·        Programming assignments (60%)

§  Lab 1: Grades – 6%

§  Lab 2: SNAP – 6%

§  Lab 3: Linked List – 6%

§  Lab 4: Iterator – 6%

§  Lab 6: Railroad – 7%

§  Lab 7: Maze – 7%

§  Lab 8: BST – 7%

§  Lab 9: Pokémon – 8%

§  Lab 10: Quicksort – 7%

§  Bonus Lab 5: Expressions – 5%

§  Bonus Lab 11: AVL – (5% Extra credit)

·        Pre-exam – 2%

·        Midterm I + II – 20%

·        Final – 18%

·        Attendance Quizzes – (5% Extra credit)

Grading Scale:






























·        Do have a valid email address and check your email often.

·        Do complete your work on time.  Partial credit will be awarded.

·        Do discuss labs and course material with your classmates and study groups but submit your own work.

·        Do use TA time for specific questions.

·        Do break out the pencil and paper and come prepared to participate in class.



·        DO NOT post your work on a public repository (e.g. github, Learning Suite, Bitbucket, etc.)!  We troll often – posting lab solutions, exam preps, and quiz answers will result in a failing grade for the course.  Private repositories are encouraged.

·        DO NOT share your work or submit someone else’s work.  Submitting others’ work is considered cheating for which you will receive an E grade for the class and be reported to the Honor Code Office.  Your source submissions will be compared with past and current submissions.  No grade is worth the consequences of dishonesty!


Grading Verification and Appeal Policy


It is the student’s responsibility to verify that lab, homework, and exam scores have been correctly recorded in Gradebook before the last day of class.  Please disregard Gradebook’s grading system (ie, final grade, maximum points, etc.) until further notice.


Academic Honesty


The Honor Code includes a statement of standards regarding academic honesty.  Academic honesty includes completing your own homework, programming assignments, midterms, and final.  Students should work together to help each other understand material but should always turn in their own work.  Examples of academic dishonesty include sharing code for assignments with other students, turning in someone else’s code as your own, sharing exam material with other students, and cheating on an exam.  Any violation of academic honesty standards will result in failing the class.  All violations of academic honesty are documented and reported to the Honor Code office.


Posting, downloading, or viewing any classwork on a public repository such as GitHub is considered cheating. This policy applies even after this class ends – grades can be changed at any time!


Preventing Sexual Harassment and Discrimination


Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an educational program or activity that receives federal funds.  The act is intended to eliminate sex discrimination in education.  Title IX covers discrimination in programs, admissions, activities, and student-to-student sexual harassment.  The BYU policy against sexual harassment extends not only to employees of the university but to students as well.  If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender based discrimination, please talk to your professor; contact the Equal Employment Office at 378-5895 or 367-5689 (24-hours); or contact the Honor Code Office at 378-2847.


Students with Disabilities


Brigham Young University is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere which reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities.  If you have any disability which may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office (378-2767).  Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities.  Services are coordinated with the student and instructor by the SSD Office.  If you need assistance or if you feel you have been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established grievance policy and procedures.  You should contact the Equal Employment Office at 378-5895, D-282 ASB.




This syllabus is subject to change during the semester in favor of the student as deemed necessary by the instructor.  It is the student’s responsibility to stay current with class policies and check the class website, Learning Suite, and their email often during the week.