TA Tips for Evil Hangman - Winter 2020

These are some common things that we have noticed that will help you with this lab.

  1. Remember that the first criteria for choosing a set of words is size. Always pick the largest set of words for a given input. It is only when you have multiple sets of words that are the same size that you consider the other criteria.

  2. When we run the passoff driver, we just make one EvilHangman object, but call startGame() and makeGuess() multiple times on that object. (In fact, the instance we make of your class is static, so there is only one for the entire time we run the driver on your code.) So, make sure that your startGame() method clears anything from the previous game, so that we can call makeGuess(), makeGuess(), etc... and get back the set of words that should match the criteria up to that point.