EXPLICIT INNER JOIN ------------------- SELECT * FROM employee INNER JOIN department ON employee.DepartmentID = department.DepartmentID; (Omits employees with no department, and departments with no employees) IMPLICIT INNER JOIN (cross join with where-clause filter) --------------------------------------------------------- SELECT * FROM employee, department WHERE employee.DepartmentID = department.DepartmentID; (Omits employees with no department, and departments with no employees) LEFT OUTER JOIN --------------- SELECT * FROM employee LEFT OUTER JOIN department ON employee.DepartmentID = department.DepartmentID; (Includes employees with no department) RIGHT OUTER JOIN ---------------- SELECT * FROM employee RIGHT OUTER JOIN department ON employee.DepartmentID = department.DepartmentID; (Includes departments with no employees) FULL OUTER JOIN --------------- FROM employee FULL OUTER JOIN department ON employee.DepartmentID = department.DepartmentID; (Includes employees with no department, and departments with no employees)