String postData = "Whatever string you want to send to the server"; try { URL url = new URL(””); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod(”POST”); connection.setDoOutput(true); // Set HTTP request headers, if necessary // connection.addRequestProperty(”Accept”, ”text/html”); connection.connect(); // Write post data to request body OutputStream requestBody = connection.getOutputStream(); requestBody.write(postData.getBytes()); requestBody.close(); if (connection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { // Get HTTP response headers, if necessary // Map> headers = connection.getHeaderFields(); // Get response body input stream InputStream responseBody = connection.getInputStream(); // Read response body bytes ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int length = 0; while ((length = != -1) { baos.write(buffer, 0, length); } // Convert response body bytes to a string String responseBodyData = baos.toString(); // TODO: Process response body data // ... } else { // SERVER RETURNED AN HTTP ERROR } } catch (IOException e) { // IO ERROR }