WARNING: This pages is using the global variables.php file. All 240 course websites after Fall 2018 should use a relative path to a variables.php file in the semester's root directory instead!

TA Help Policies - CS 240 - Fall 2018

TA Help Policies

TA Help Policies - Fall 2018

If you would like to get some help from the TA's, please make sure that you have read these policies to ensure that we can help everyone and give you all the help you need. Remember that we are "Assistants". We are more than willing to assist you as you learn, but we need you to do your part as well.

Students Seeking TA Help Should First:

  1. Have read project specifications thoroughly. Sometimes this means 3 – 4 times.
  2. Work for at least 30 min. on your own
  3. Not use the the pass off drivers as debuggers.
  4. Be up to date on their reading assignments.
  5. Try consulting the Java API first(if applicable).
  6. Print debugging statements.
  7. Write, run and be able to justify the effectiveness of their own test cases.
  8. Attend every class.
  9. Review and try to understand relative coding examples and PowerPoint files found under “Lecture Files.”
  10. Have a well formed question to ask the TA.
  11. Put yourself in a frame of mind to accept new ideas.
  12. We will only help students if they get on the queue and come to the TA lab first. We will not go to the labs to find you.

Remember one purpose of this class is for you to learn how to learn. If we feel you are not putting forth your full effort or for any other reason we may ask you to return later when you ave fulfilled these requirements.