WARNING: This pages is using the global variables.php file. All 240 course websites after Fall 2018 should use a relative path to a variables.php file in the semester's root directory instead!

Contact - CS 240 - Fall 2018



Course Instructor

Dr. Cory Barker

Email Address: barker@cs.byu.edu
Office: 2226 TMCB
Phone: (801) 422-7132
Office Hours: By Appointment

Dr. Ken Rodham

Email Address: rodham@cs.byu.edu
Office: 3324 TMCB
Phone: (801) 422-5498
Office Hours: By Appointment


You can email the TAs at cs240ta@cs.byu.edu, though the best way to get a hold of the TAs is to see them during office hours. The TA office is located in 1058 TMCB Cubes #24 and #25 (in the basement).