Percentages represent lines of code, not time spent. This is intended to give you some measure of how big each part of the project is, but please realize that lines-of-code does not always correlate directly to time spent. For example, even though the MapFragment represents 9.9% of the code, this part is more time consuming than that because of the need to learn how to use Google's or Amazon's map fragment. Additionally, the first activity you write that uses RecyclerView will probably also take in inordinate amount of time, because of the time needed to learn how to use RecyclerView. After you've successfully used RecyclerView once, the other activites that use it will tend to go faster. MODEL (25.8%) ------------- FamilyTree (19.4%) people and events for logged-in user's family tree sorted list of events for each person list of children for each person event types event type colors paternal ancestors maternal ancestors Settings (2.5%) Filter (2.1%) Search (1.8%) COMMUNICATION (18.7%) --------------------- ServerProxy (11.6%) LoginTask (1.3%) RegisterTask (1.3%) DataSyncTask (4.5%) USER INTERFACE (55.5%) ---------------------- LoginFragment (7.2%) MapFragment (9.9%) MainActivity (1.5%) PersonActivity (12.9%) MapActivity (1.42%) SettingsActivity (7.8%) FilterActivity (7.8%) SearchActivity (7.0%)